8. Filing of Application to obtain Citizenship Certificate

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8. Filing of Application to obtain Citizenship Certificate:

(1) A person attaining the age of 16 years desiring to acquire citizenship of Nepal by descent pursuant to Section 3, shall have to file an application in the prescribed form along with copies of the following documents to the designated authority:

(a) Nepalese Citizenship Certificate of descendants of relatives within three generations from paternal or maternal or self-side. Provided that, this provision shall not be applicable to Nepalese female citizen married to a foreigner.

(b) Recommendation from the concerned Village Development or Municipality certifying the place of birth and relationship.

(2) A person attaining the age of 16 years desiring to acquire Nepalese Citizenship Certificate by virtue of birth pursuant to Section 4 shall have to file an application in the prescribed form along with copies of the following documents to the designated authority.

(a) Recommendation from the concerned Village Development Committee or Municipality certifying the birth in Nepal and residing permanently in Nepal.

(b) An evidence showing Land Ownership Certificate in the name of self or family or Certificate of Land Tilling Right or proof of house
or listing of name or the name of father or mother in the Voters’ list prepared by the Election Commission.

(3) On receipt of the applications pursuant to Sub-section (1) or (2), the designated authority shall award the Nepalese Citizenship Certificate, after evaluating and based on evidence as produced.

(4) In the circumstance, where a person could not submit the evidences along with the application as prescribed in Sub-section (1) and (2), the designated authority may award the Nepalese Citizenship Certificate based on the spot investigation and on the basis of identification at the time of spot investigation by at least three persons having obtained Nepalese Citizenship Certificate and residing in the same Ward and are acquainted with the applicant.

(5) While conducting the spot investigating in accordance with Sub-section (iv), the applicant must have been born in Nepal and stated clearly the fact of having lived in a permanent manner.

(6) On investigation and evaluation pursuant to Sub-section (3) or (4), if any applicant is not found have been qualified to be awarded the Nepalese Citizenship Certificate, one shall be duly notified of the decision within the prescribed period

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8. Filing of Application to obtain Citizenship Certificate

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