
Estimated reading: 1 minute 9 views

Date of Authentication and Publication:
2019-09-29 (January 13, 1963)


  1. Revenue Tribunal Act, 2031 (1974) – 2031-04-18 (August 2, 1974)
  2. House and Land Tax (First Amendment) Act, 2036 (1979) – 2036-08-05 (November 21, 1979)
  3. House and Land Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 2043 (1986) – 2043-06-16 (October 2, 1986)
  4. Finance Related Some Nepal Acts Amendment Act, 2047 (1990) – 2047-08-27 (December 13, 1990)
  5. Some Nepal Acts Amendments Act, 2063 – 2063-06-28 (October 14, 2006)

Act No. 31 of the year 2019 (1962)
An Act to Provide for Levying Tax on House and Land in Urban Areas


Whereas, it is expedient to levy tax on the house and land in the urban areas in order to increase national income for the development of the country;

Now, therefore, be it enacted by His Majesty King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, pursuant to Article 93 of the Constitution of Nepal.

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