Cyber Crime in Nepal: Understanding and Prevention

Cyber Crime in Nepal

In the heart of the Himalayas, Nepal’s digital landscape is evolving rapidly. With this digital transformation comes the challenge of cyber crime, a threat that knows no borders and spares no one.

This article aims to shed light on the nature of cyber crime in Nepal, its impact, and the steps we can take to safeguard ourselves.

Understanding Cyber Crime

Cyber crime begins with the misuse of technology to commit offenses. In Nepal, these crimes range from identity theft and online fraud to cyberbullying and data breaches. The anonymity of the internet provides a fertile ground for such activities, affecting individuals and businesses alike.

The Numbers Speak

Recent years have seen a surge in cyber crime cases in Nepal. In the last fiscal year alone, the Nepal Police bureau registered 4,646 incidents1. These numbers reflect a growing concern that needs immediate attention.

Types of Cyber Crime Let’s break down the types of cyber crime commonly faced in Nepal:

  • Financial Fraud: Phishing attacks and lottery scams top the list, with 955 cases reported.
  • Revenge Porn: A close second, with 901 cases, where personal images are shared without consent.
  • Fake Profiles: Social media impersonation has led to 898 complaints.
Type of Crime Number of Cases
Financial Fraud 955
Revenge Porn 901
Fake Profiles 898

Real-Life Incidents

Consider the case where 19 individuals, including nine Chinese nationals, were arrested for online fraud2. Or the cyberattack that shut down 1,500 government websites, disrupting services nationwide.

Challenges in Cyber Security

Nepal faces several hurdles in combating cyber crime:

  • Technical Expertise: There’s a shortage of skilled professionals to handle the increasing number of cases.
  • Legal Framework: The existing laws, like the Electronic Transactions Act 2008, need updates to cover the evolving nature of cyber threats.

Yearly Increase in Cyber Crime Cases

Year    Cases
2018    180
2019    132
2020    104
2021    117
2022    4,646

Preventive Measures

How can we protect ourselves? Here are some strategies:

  • Firewalls and Antivirus Software: Essential tools to block malicious attacks.
  • Regular Data Backups: To ensure data recovery in case of breaches.
  • Security Audits: To identify and fix vulnerabilities.

Legal Protection’s

Nepal’s Electronic Transactions Act 2008 is the primary legal shield against cyber crime. However, new policies like the ‘National Cyber Security Policy 2021’ draft are being considered to strengthen this protection.


Cyber crime in Nepal is a pressing issue that demands our collective effort. By staying informed, adopting preventive measures, and pushing for stronger legal frameworks, we can create a safer digital space for all.

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