Chapter-4 Provisions Relating to Trainees and Apprentices

17. Provisions relating to labour to be applicable

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17. Provisions relating to labour to be applicable:

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in Section 16, in employing an apprentice pursuant to this Chapter, he or she shall not be engaged in work for more than eight hours a day and forty-eight hours a week.

(2) The provisions relating to occupational health and safety shall apply to the apprentices as if they were labours.

(3) Where an apprentice meets with an accident in the course of performing the work of the enterprise, the enterprise shall, unless otherwise agreed between the enterprise and the educational institute, have medical treatment of such an apprentice, and provide compensation to him or her if he or she suffers grievous hurt, as if he or she were a labour.

(4) The matters other than those set forth in sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) shall be as mentioned in the agreement between the enterprise and the educational institute.

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17. Provisions relating to labour to be applicable

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