Chapter- 3 Provisions Relating to Employment

15. Continuity of existence of employment relationship during the period held in reserve

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15. Continuity of existence of employment relationship during the period held in reserve:

(1) If any special circumstance arises in the workplace, the employer may suspend the work and hold the worker in reserve.
Explanation: For the purpose of this Section, “special circumstance” means a situation involving the shortage of electricity, water, raw materials or lack of financial resources or inability to reach the workplace or work or operate the workplace because of the occurrence of any situation beyond control.

(2) Where any labour is held in reserve pursuant to sub-section (1), the employment relationship between such an employer and worker shall continue to exist.

(3) Any employer employing ten or more labours may hold the labour in reserve for a period not exceeding fifteen days, pursuant to sub-section (1). Provided that if it is necessary to hold in reserve for more than the said period, the employer shall consult with the authorised trade union or labour relation committee.

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15. Continuity of existence of employment relationship during the period held in reserve

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