The Labour Act, 2017 (2074)

Chapter-7 Provisions Relating to Working Hours

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 37 views

28. Working hours:

(1) No employer shall employ labours to work more than eight hours a day and forty-eight hours a week.

(2) The labours shall be provided with half an hour rest after five hours of continuous work.

(3) In the cases of work which is not to be stopped and is to be carried out continuously, labours shall be provided with such a rest time turn by turn.

(4) The rest time to be provided pursuant to sub-sections (2) and (3) shall be counted in the working hours referred to in sub-section (1).

29. Not to compel to work overtime:

(1) No employer shall compel a labour to work more than the hours set forth in sub-section (1) of Section 28.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), if the non-performance of a work is likely to cause an adverse effect on the life, safety and health of any person or a serious loss or damage to the employer, the concerned labour may, subject to sub-section (1) of Section 30, be caused to work overtime.

30. Provisions relating to overtime:

(1) Where an employer needs to cause any labour to work for more than the working hours specified subject to Section 28, such a labour may be caused to work not exceeding four hours a day and twenty-four hours a week.

(2) The work which any labour has been caused by the employer to perform without giving the substitute leave pursuant to Section 42 shall be deemed to be an overtime work.

31. Additional remuneration to be paid:

(1) While employing any labour to work overtime pursuant to Section 30, the employer shall pay to the labour remuneration at a rate of 1.5 times of the basic remuneration receivable during regular hours of work.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), nothing contained in this Section shall bar the collective agreement to provide for certain benefits or the providing of such benefits as mentioned in the employment contract in the case of the labour of managerial level, in lieu of the additional remuneration receivable for an overtime work.

32. Fixation of working hours:

(1) Where an employment contract specifies the starting and finishing time of working hours for workers, it shall be followed accordingly or in its absence, it shall be as determined by the employer.

(2) Other provisions relating to working hours shall be as prescribed.

33. Arrangement for transportation to be made:

In employing a female labour where the working hours begin after the sunset or before the sunrise, the employer shall make necessary arrangement for transportation to and from the workplace.

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