The Labour Act, 2017 (2074)

Chapter-5 Provisions Relating to Part-Time Labours

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 36 views

19. Part-time employment:

(1) An employer may employ a labour for part-time. Provided that a worker who works full time shall not be employed in part-time work without his or her consent.

(2) The remuneration of part-time labours shall be fixed generally on the basis of working time (hours) or on the basis of the employment contract entered into between the two parties.

(3) While fixing the remuneration of the part-time labours pursuant to sub-section (2), such remuneration shall be fixed on the basis of at least the monthly remuneration of the labours working full time at the same level for the work of same nature.

(4) Where a labour employed part-time pursuant to this Section is employed in the overtime work, such a labour shall be provided with a remuneration that is 1.5 times of the remuneration to which he or she is entitled under sub-section (2).

20. Not to restrain from working elsewhere:

No part-time labour shall be restrained from working elsewhere.

21. Provisions relating to social security:

In the case of a part-time labour who works for more than one employer, each employer shall, on the basis of the basic remuneration to which the labour is entitled, make contribution for gratuity, provident fund or other social security related benefits.

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Chapter-5 Provisions Relating to Part-Time Labours

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