Chapter-2 Basic Provisions Relating to Labours

6. Prohibition on discrimination

Estimated reading: 1 minute 29 views

6. Prohibition on discrimination:

(1) No employer shall discriminate any labour on the ground of religion, colour, sex, caste, tribe, origin, language, ideological conviction or other similar ground.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the following act shall not be considered as discrimination:

(a) To give preference to any person for employment on the basis of inherent requirement of a work or service,

(b) To engage a female labour who is pregnant in any work or service which is easier and suitable to her physical condition, without any reduction in the remuneration and benefits, or

(c) To give preference to a labour with physical disability for such job responsibility as is suitable to his or her physical condition.

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6. Prohibition on discrimination

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