Chapter-2 Basic Provisions Relating to Labours

4. Prohibition on employing in forced labour

Estimated reading: 1 minute 27 views

4. Prohibition on employing in forced labour:

(1) No person shall employ any labour in forced labour, directly or indirectly.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the following work or service performed by a labour shall not be deemed to be forced labour:

(a) Any work or service required to be performed under the duties of citizens as and when the nation so requires,

(b) Any work or service required to be performed by any person in consideration for the sentence imposed by a decision or order of a court,

(c) Any work or service required to be performed as a member of a community for the interest of such a community.

Explanation: For the purpose of this Section, “forced labour” means any work or service performed by any labour against his or her will as a result of a threat of taking any action having financial, physical or mental impact if he or she does not perform such a work or service.

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