Chapter-2 Basic Provisions Relating to Labours

3. To remain as minimum standards

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3. To remain as minimum standards:

(1) This Act shall remain as minimum standards for labours and on matters relating to labours.

(2) Where an employment contract is entered into between an employer and a labour with provisions to pay or receive remuneration or benefits lesser than the remuneration or benefits set forth in this Act and the rules framed under this Act or in contravention of the conditions set forth in this Act, such an employment contract shall be deemed to be contrary to this Act, and it shall, to that extent, be void.

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3. To remain as minimum standards

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सुविधा: यहाँ उल्लेखित सम्पूर्ण लेखहरू नेपाली कानुनी आधारमा लेखिएका छन् वा विभिन्न विषयमा समेटिएका सम्बन्धित लेखहरू पूर्ण रूपमा ChatGPT - AI द्वारा उत्पन्न गरिएका हुन्।